Content strategy

We develop comprehensive ways to achieve content goals and implement measures that bring benefits in the form of more organic traffic to the website and active lead generation.

We adapt the type and form of content to both the communication channels and the preferences of the recipients.

We check where certain content can best be published in order to reach the recipient groups most effectively.

Structured communication tailored to the target group is the key to efficient marketing activities.
Do you need a plan for implementation?
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The most important advantages

Content strategy is a focus on long-term activities that:



valuable traffic to your landing page.



website visibility in organic Google search results.


Create and strengthen

a professional brand image.



customers to the brand.



regular customers to the brand.


Acquire leads

Based on the analysis of the target groups, the competition and the existing content, we select measures, methods and tools for both our own and paid channels and optimise the published content.

How do we go about developing a content strategy?


We set ourselves realistic and measurable goals

thanks to which we know what we are aiming for. Specific indicators are decisive for us, the growth of which results from the implementation of efficient activities.


We study the competition and the market to which the company's content is directed

By checking the quality of the content published by other brands and current trends, we choose the right actions for your company.


We review the company's previous substantive activities

We analyse its strengths and weaknesses and draw conclusions for further action


We create personae - we define the profile of the recipient to whom the messages are addressed

We answer questions like: who is our recipient?, what do they do?, what are their habits?, how can we help them?, what are their values? and what do they fear?. This makes it easier to reach them with an interesting message


We set the budgets and resources

needed to effectively implement the planned activities

By persistently and reliably implementing the planned activities, we aim for sustainable effects that are visible in the KPIs.

The content strategy is the key to your business goals. Fill out the brief and find out which measures your company should choose.

Case Study


Producer of gardening equipment


Online shop with high quality products for children. The Scandinavian origin of the products is combined with excellent quality and design.


Rehabilitation equipment e-commerce

Test us and plan your measures with the support of professionals!

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Increase your website traffic with a comprehensive Content Strategy.

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