
Added: 28.01.2025

What is SEO

SEO is bad, dead, does not bring results, does not apply to my website - there are as many opinions on this subject as there are people who speak them. How is it really? Are the marketing activities w...
Added: 24.07.2024

Is SEO dead?!

Mimo że mamy 2017 rok, wciąż wiele osób zadaje pytanie: czy SEO umarło? Czy w czasach często zmieniających się algorytmów, wciąż można skutecznie pozycjonować strony internetowe? Czy Goo...
Added: 17.01.2024

How to measure the effects of SEO activities?!

All activities carried out by the SEO Agency should be reported. As a customer, you have the right to have free access to all information regarding the optimisation of your website. How can you monito...
Added: 07.08.2019

Why can't you afford cheap SEO?

Although the times of positioning the "effect" are long gone, this form of settlement still arouses wide interest. Today, in order to achieve high positions in search results, it is not enou...
Added: 10.07.2019

Long tail positioning - what is it?

The times of effective positioning of websites for a few selected keywords are long gone. In search results the competition is growing and stronger, which is due to many years of commitment to strengt...
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