Marketing Automation strategy
The Marketing Automation strategy defines the plan and idea of activities related to the integration and implementation of automation mechanisms for a specific website or group of websites. Our strategies are based on prior testing and potential identification - including review of technical capabilities, database size or traffic volume. After the initial diagnosis, we develop an implementation plan for optimising and developing the tool's capabilities.
We increase sales and lead generation effectiveness through analysis, planning and implementation of advanced automation mechanisms. We develop a strategy for the tools you want to use or test. Our speciality is the SALESmanago strategy and the edrone strategy, but on request we also develop plans for the development of tools from other providers.
Many factors influence the value of marketing automation activities, such as the correctness of the integration, the technology of the website, the size and legitimacy of the existing databases or, finally, the quality of ad creatives presented and the automation mechanisms used. We also distinguish between different goals that can be achieved in different ways. Marketing Automation strategies define the interrelationships of these components in order to attract new Customers, rescue abandoned shopping carts or achieve other assumed goals as effectively, quickly and cheaply as possible.
Find out how to plan an effective marketing automation strategy for your business.
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